Edge Dimension

Planiform Conveyors

Planiform Conveyors

An innovative look at the next step in garment warehousing

Planiform partnered with us to develop a 3D visualisation of their new product build before it was complete. The 3D rendering showed off the unique features of the system and impressed clients with its ingenious scalability.

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An exceptional demonstration from every angle

With an inspiring 3D visualisation on their side, Planiform’s team took their innovative idea into boardrooms and trade shows. The 3D rendering helped sell pre-orders for their product, and most importantly, helped the GOH Hive start building into an industry name.

The 3D rendering launched GOH Hive to the forefront of the garment on hanger innovation with its intelligent automated system and scaled to fit multilevel design. The video highlighted the precision and efficiency of the model and secured GOH Hive more orders than the company’s technical documentation would alone.

3D rendering mosaic
Website mockup

3D Rendering Technology in Motion

The team focused on smoothly showing the range of the GOH Hive’s design effectively. The 3D visualisation of each function required specific attention, as that would be what the end-users expected once they bought the system.

Robot animation
Hero shot robot
Robot hero shot on white background
Robot 3d rendering
Hero shot of a product

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